Monday, March 31, 2008

Someone's FINALLY said yes!

Yes! YES! YES! Sob... sob... laugh... sob... laugh... sob... Oh my gosh! Make up your mind, gurl...

Am so happy for my cuz and his other half; he proposed and she said YES! Awww... Hmpf! Must be 'em Tiffany diamond rings, they really do work! Hahaha!

So here's a painting I did which fits the occasion. It's titled "Passion Amidst Chaos"

"Despite all your uncertainties amidst the hectic schedules and in betweens, love and passion came through! Congrats!"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What really matters in life?

Yes I love club hoping, drinking with friends, just having good times... Memories that'll last the ages.

When all is dead and done, what else is there for me? How much more can I take from this world that'll make me feel 'good'? I've pondered and pondered.

It's just one of those odd night outs when everything you thought made you feel on cloud9 just disappears...

You slip into a slow pace, watching people pass by in slow mo; suddenly the thumping bass from the speakers disappears... You feel like you're dreaming and you're finding it hard to grasp reality

I wonder how this could have happened. I just start thinking about my life and what really matters to me dearly...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You know when it's not your day

Just had a strange encounter with the other half last night. I don't know how to describe it but it's one of a negative feel.

It takes just one incident or a string of little incidents to drag the whole past into picture. When that happens, all hell breaks loose! Just a mixture of sick twisted emotions running through every vein! Sad, disappointed, heart-broken... and at the same time love, understanding and pity comes knocking on the door! DAMN IT! I hate feeling this way. To which emotions should I give in to?@!

Both trying to play victim; like playing musical chairs to Alice in Chains songs, without chairs! Both trying to garner pity from the other. Both trying to play hurt! Who benefits from all these insane games in the end??? NOBODY!

And it's the norm response... Why? why? why? Why? Why?!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Louis Armstrong was right. It's a beautiful world...

How is it that a world so beautiful has countless wars, mass murders, political unrest etc?
This world was made beautiful once, but made ugly by choices and actions of human beings.

We who are far more 'superior' than the rest of the animal kingdom have successfully bled this earth.

It makes me angry...

I painted this picture titled "ANGST" when I was at my lowest. Just like this picture, it's still beautiful despite what it depicts; just like our world...

~What a beautiful world~